Information for Young People

We offer a confidential service to all of our patients, including those under 16. This means that (apart from exceptional circumstances) anything you tell us, or advice we give you, will not be discussed with anyone else without your permission.  The only reason we may have to consider passing on confidential information would be to protect you or someone else from serious harm. We would always try to discuss this with you first.

You can discuss any health problem with our clincians. 

Contact reception for an appointment.

Help With Health

Spots, weight, sex, bullying, alcohol, relationships, smoking, drugs, periods, contraception, family, exercise, condoms… and anything else!




Our clinicians are trained to help you with different types of contraception. 
All contraceptives are free.

You do not have to be over 16 to discuss contraception or emergency contraception with a doctor or nurse. 

Free advice and services are available from the Brookside Clinic or 0300 303 2880. This includes STI testing, contraception and free condoms. Some services are by appointment only.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception is sometimes wrongly called the morning-after-pill. This is misleading as it can actually be taken up to 72 hours (3 days) after having unprotected sex. However the sooner it is taken the better! 

A coil can be inserted up to 5 days after unprotected sex. So, if you didn’t use any contraception or the condom broke, arrange to speak to doctor as soon as possible. Ask the receptionist for an urgent appointment – you do not need to say why!

You can also call attend Brookside, please see their website at or call on 0300 303 2880.

Think you might be Pregnant?

See a doctor or nurse as soon as possible. They will help you to consider your options and offer help and advice whatever you decide to do.

Free emergency contraception is available from this practice. You can also get free emergency contraception from Brookside ( or 0300 303 2880) and some chemists.

Someone to Talk to

 Please see below a list of other services that provide support for Children and Young People.

 Youth Concern – Aylesbury

 Kooth – Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people

Counselling Directory – To find a private therapist in your local area.

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) – For mental health issues, if you are 16 or 17 and live in Buckinghamshire, you can:

Free and Confidential Services

Drugs And Alchol

If you are worried about drug or alcohol addiction, whether for yourself, family members or friends, please see the useful local services below:

We Are With You

One Recovery Bucks


Chlamydia Screening

Please see NHS advice on Chlamydia.

Chlamydia screening for under 25 year olds is available here at Berrycroft Community Health Centre.

Packs are currently available from reception.

Note: this does not test for all sexually transmitted infections, only genital chlamydia. If you are worried about other infections and want a full infection screen, please contact Brookside on or 0300 303 2880

For more information on sexual health and information visit:

Childhood Obesity

SPARK for 7-13 year olds and their families


A programme that uses fun techniques to help children above their ideal weight, and their parents, learn about food and discover fun ways to get fit.